A Journey of Mashal Riaz: Creating Impacts Through Passion

Posted in Inside GudangAda Nov 12, 2021

Starting a career at a young age is not easy. Yet, Mashal Riaz has proven her ability to create impact to the society through her passion. Thanks to her bravery for speaking up her ideas to work with purpose.

These days, many employees face challenges in doing their work at the company. One of them is working with purpose as one of the underrated desires of modern day. In fact, many employees do not feel that they are working with purpose, for instance simply contributing their works to the society. However, in order for the employees to find the purpose and tackle the issues, companies most likely forget how to help them find it.

In years working on enhancing the people and culture at the company, GudangAda kept striving to maintain and to empower the employees. Mashal Riaz, one of the Android Engineers at GudangAda, conveys her gratitude for not only working, yet also contributing her works to the society at GudangAda.

As she pursued her career at a very young age, fortunately Mashal found her passion also in her early career stage. As an Android Engineer, she thinks her position could drive her to build an impact in the society as everything is now easily digitized.

Besides knowing her passion, she thought her journey had always been challenging. Yet, in order to develop herself, she is always keen to learn to enhance her purpose from her journey.

Outspoken the Ideas

Mashal perceived being a woman in the technology industry has always been challenging. As she often felt overwhelmed whenever she needed to speak up her mind and concerns back then, she learned to not hold herself back and avoid treating people differently.

Along the years in her career, she believes in what she loves, which is building things, features as the context of her job. She thought that her job keeps her motivated to create high quality features with the aim to make sure to keep the code quality high, and in return her work could help to ease users’ issues. Therefore, Mashal believes to achieve her purpose — creating impact — she needs to embrace the bravery to convey her ideas.

“Now I believe in making an effort and do not push yourself back. I always remind myself that my team is receptive to my ideas, thus I do not hesitate to communicate my ideas afterwards.” Mashal explained.

Healthy Culture, Healthy Collaboration

Working at a company which helps us to achieve our purpose is a privilege. Same goes as Mashal, she thinks her working environment plays a huge role in helping her to grow. As she gets a manager and team that keeps empowering and forcing her to get out of her comfort zone, she ensures those actions are aiming to help her develop as a person.

Mashal shared that the team fosters a culture of healthy collaboration and they are welcoming of people from different backgrounds, the team giving her the room to mess up, learn from those mistakes and offer a hand to get back up again.

“The team works efficiently and cooperatively. We have mutual concern, I feel like I am constantly growing and learning new things in the company here. They also support my aspiration to keep striving and explore different technologies related to Android and have hands-on experience on different things.” She added.

For Mashal, getting a company who could exchange mutual interests with the employee would definitely be a privilege. In achieving her career purpose, Mashal feels lucky working at GudangAda due to the people trusting her to do the job completely as she also perceived the company “Feels like home” to her.

In addition, when she asked about her experiences in working at GudangAda, she said “I had good experiences at the company, as the company also prioritized the engineering quality of the product as well as her professional growth. I enjoy my responsibilities here.”

Interested to be a part of the team and achieve your career purpose? Click here to check the available positions and opportunities!

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